Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Poetry Today

In order to prepare for the 4th Grade Poetry Fest on April 29th, please work on creating poems using the links below.  You should complete and print at least 3 poems today.

Haiku Poem

Diamante Poem

Cinquain Poem

All About Me Poem

Acrostic Poem

Limerick Poem

Concrete Poem

If you have other poems that you have already written and would like to type them in Word (or in Google Drive), you may do that as well.  You can get creative with the fonts, the size of the text and the color of the text.  Don't forget to include your name on all of your poetry.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Math Practice Today

I would like you to work on at least 2 of these 3 sites:


2. Khan Academy

3. Greg Tang Math Games

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wordly Wise Practice - Lesson 9

First, let's talk for a minute about the Lower School Assembly tomorrow morning.

Mrs. Seaton's Language Arts Group
First, login to Google Drive and open "TCITS Summary".  Make the changes that have been provided by Mrs. Seaton and finish typing your summary.  Please print the final draft.

Then, open Quizlet in order to practice the vocabulary words in Lesson 9 of Wordly Wise.  Click on the link below.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Finish Pic Collage & Khan Academy

Scroll down to see if your Two Voice Poem has not been printed yet.  If your poem has been printed, please try out the Khan Academy website.  Follow these instructions:

  1. Click on: Khan Academy and Sign In with google (your email address and password).
  2. Click: "Please Allow" then wait for the video to appear.
  3. Watch the 45 second video by Sal Khan.  Click Start Your Learning Adventure.
  4. Click: Got It!
  5. Click: Unlock Your Learning Dashboard
  6. Start your test.
If you are finished exploring Khan Academy, login to Google Drive and continue working on your TCITS Summary.  You may print it if you are ready for Mrs. Seaton to review it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

No Class Today

Two Voice Poems:  The following poems have NOT been printed yet:
Tom - can't find poem
Elliot - can’t find poem
Ali - add name
Jalen - add name
Mary Grace - add name
Maia M. - add name
Elizabeth - add name

Cami - can’t find poem
Colleen - add name
Sarah - add name
Lili - add name
Madeline - add name
Charlie - needs a background and name
Caitlin - needs a background

Please open your Pic Collage and finalize your poem.  When you are finished, I will print the poems for you.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tellagami & iPads

In order to prepare for the Lower School Assembly on Friday March 21st, everyone will create an animation using an app called Tellagami.  Watch the one that Matthew created about Australia:

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Two Voice Poems & Pic Collage

Everyone will use Pic Collage to display the 2 Voice Poem they wrote.  See the example below.  Don't forget to put your name on your poem.