Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Comic Life Travel Brochures

Today, I want you to continue working on your Comic Life Travel brochure.  Do not forget to include the following:
  • Your name 
  • Cite your sources.  This means, name the websites where you found the information you included in your brochure.  For example,
  • Some of the information in this brochure was obtained from the following websites:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Scantron Testing Today

Today, we will begin about two weeks of standardized testing in the subjects reading and math. This test helps your teachers understand what you have learned so far and how they can best help you learn more.
The Scantron test will be administered during technology classes and during the technology block of your language arts class.
A few things you should know about this test:
  • The test will be slightly different for each of you. If you correctly answer a problem, it gives you more difficult problems, and if you incorrectly answer a problem, it gives you easier problems. The length of the test may be very different for each of you as well.
  • You must answer every question.
  • It is very important to do your best and answer all items carefully, because the test will stop if you are guessing. You will have to start over from the beginning if this happens.
  • Parts of this test will be very difficult, and likely cover topics you have never seen before. Please don't worry! Make your best guess, then move on.
  • When you finish, raise your hand and I will come over to help you.    

I will provide your Scantron ID number.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Create a Travel Brochure!

On Thursday, you will begin creating a one-page travel brochure using Comic Life. You have chosen (or will choose) one of the places described in Grandfather's Journey.  Before opening Comic Life, we will do a little research about the place your brochure will be advertising.  Please do the following:

  • You must include at least 3 facts about the location you have chosen.
  • You must include at least 3 reasons why it's a good place to visit.
  • You must type the text of your brochure before adding any photos to it.
  • Use proper grammar (capital letters, punctuation, complete sentences, etc.)
  • Include your name on the brochure.
  • Include a caption for each photo you add to your brochure.
  • You must cite your sources of information.  This means that you must state (type) where you obtained your information (the name of the website, the name and author of the book, etc.). 
  • You may use the following websites to research information about the location:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Finish L.A. Binder Covers & Mathletics

Before we begin today, I want everyone to login to their computer using their 3rd grade username and password (last name/first initial / reader3).  You're computer may ask you to reset your password and I want to go through this process together.  Everyone's new password will be "htsreader4".

I will then hand out the ipads and you will finish your Pic Collage L.A. Binder Covers.  When you are done, I will show you how to send it to the printer.  I have already printed those that are finished and they look fantastic!  After you've printed, please login to Mathletics with your Username and password.  If you don't remember your login information, click on the link that says 4th Grade Mathletics Logins at the top of the Tech blog.

Mathletics:  During the last 15 minutes of class, you may work on Live Mathletics.  Prior to that time, please work on activities that will challenge you :-)

Have fun!